Missing something?

Was asked what I might be missing, things that are not readily available in Finland. Not that many but there are some things we’ve been missing.  Keep in mind that these things might be available but we may not know where to look.

Twist ties, you know the stuff Americans use to close bread bags. Here we have these small, pretty much useless things that won’t wrap itself around anything but the thinnest bread bag. No tying a trash bag shut with this!

And the dark. Streetlights everywhere. One does not need a nightlight as lights shine in from the front and the back. Contemplating getting a BB gun in the near future.

Would probably be missing cheap gas if we were going anywhere but we’ll save that whine for another time.

Dip, bought some, packed it, unpacked it and now, somehow it has disappeared.  Dip...must look in the store.

My clothesline is a fond memory.  This thing is what I’m hanging clothes on outside on the back deck.  Yes, we can put up a line, after the ground thaws a bit more.

Our canned veggies. Thought customs would be snooping so didn’t pack any. Problem will be resolved this summer. Larry brought the tiller with us and we’ve picked out a garden spot. Right now, I miss my purple hull peas and our green beans.

Lard!  How can a country with millions of pigs, who eat ham and pork products like candy, not have lard available.  Deep frying is not on the agenda until we figure this out.


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