Cars are home!

When do we go pick up cars in Helsinki?  When it finally snows, naturally! Funny story at the end.

So, no city pictures, windy and cold then rain and snow.  Mean looking barking dogs and just being in a hurry to get where we wanted to go. We will be tourists in the Spring and do pictures then.

Hadn’t been on a train in years and years. Sophie said it was a damn sight nicer than the plane from Helsinki to Pori and she’s happy to try it again.

A man and his car are reunited.  His fancy car with all sorts of bells and whistles lost its bells and whistles so we have to figure out how to get them to pop up.  My car immediately recognized my phone, pulled up my tunes on Spotify and we were off!  Snow was coming down pretty fast but so wet it really wasn’t a problem.

Now for the funny story. Take a good look at these next two pictures.  What’s missing? Sorry about the sideways no idea how to fix that.

We went by a couple of cop cars and they either weren’t looking, thought it was too wet outside to bother or didn’t believe their eyes.  No tags.  Mine had no tag at all, Larry still had the Tennessee tag on his.  Thought at least one would have stopped us to see what was up but no.  If we’d have been driving a 20 year old piece of crap with no tags we’d probably never had made it home.

Today we go to get the cars inspected.  Haven’t had to do that for over 20 years!

This is just here to make you laugh.


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