A trip to the tax office

Rainy day trip to the tax office in Pori was a success.  Larry got a number!  And that’s not all.

We were a bit worried about driving the cars as our permit to drive was up on Monday and here it was Tuesday and we were headed into the city where the police might work more than two days a week.  The permit was good for 7 days and then you have to register the car so they can figure out the car tax. Cursed at the forms online over the weekend with no success, trip to the tax office was necessary, no way out.

Aimed to get there early and our arrival one half hour before they opened had us number one in line, by opening there were at least 10 people behind us and when we came out all the chairs were full of pissed off people. Our system worked!

Young woman helped us figure out the form.  Actually she printed out one for me in Finnish and Larry in English.  I was waiting for her to tell us to go out in the lobby and fill in the info but she was wonderful!  We sat in her office and she walked us through the process, made copies of the paperwork that was required and we are free to drive.  Bill will follow and we might get a request for more info in the future.

Above is a picture of the Kokemäki River and an old factory which has been turned into a shopping mall. Nice place to spend time on a rainy day.


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