
Take a look at the pile of fries on that plate, and the size of the burger!  I did my best but half the fries did not get eaten.  The portions in some places are huge!

Normally folks here eat their big meal at lunch, something smaller when they arrive home from work. Many choices for places to eat from 10:30 to about 1:30 but after that seems like burger and pizza joints are it. As we haven’t got our own kitchen we’ve adopted the hot lunch out idea and have a sandwich around 6pm with a slice of pulla a bit later.

We have found a very nice place just a mile from where we are staying. Buffet on weekdays and you can order from the menu on weekends but only after 1pm and they will allow Sophie to come in with us.

That’s another whole can of worms, ain’t no service dog thing here.  We try now and then to stroll into places, some watch us like hawks while other places a person runs up to tell us that dogs aren’t allowed.  I understand, so many of the dogs we’ve run into are completely out of control.  Been barked at, jumped on and lunged at, wouldn’t want that in my retail establishment either.

Immigration appointment tomorrow, will fill you in on that when we get home.


  1. Good luck at immigration appointment.

    I love reading about the little details of life in Finland.

    Dogs in the UK are super well-behaved. I've never seen anything like how practically no dogs are ever on leashes (or leads) and I've yet to see a tussle.

    I'm glad Sophie is settling in too.

  2. Here’s hoping all. Goes smoothly and easily. Love reading tour stories!

  3. Happy Valentine's Day to all three of you! I'm surprised there's no legal rights to have a service dog with you, glad you found a good place that accepts her (good grief, who could possibly not accept Sophie?? ❤️). Keep us posted on the immigration appointment please. Miss you.

    P.S. Not good at this blogging thing, somehow the first comment got deleted...🙄


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