Anyone still afraid of “one world order” can stop now.

Pictures at the end from our trip to Pori but the story is long.

The bank in Finland.  Have been transferring $ for a while now, just when we had it and the exchange rate was good. Had it all figured out to transfer the limit allowed each month. That would get enough here to purchase the house. Ha!  Came back to the bnb after running errands all day to an email saying the bank had refused the latest transfer.  Back to the bank to figure it out but (drumroll) nobody knows what happened. The bank has no record of it ever happening. We go through all of the info and perhaps it was the change of address that fouled things up.  Hold your breath, it gets better.

The bank in Tennessee.  Thought that as the other method had a limit I’d pull a crapload out at one time.  Called the bank. Ohhhhhh  Yeah, I know you’ve never done this before.  Gave all the numbers and letters I had for codes and account numbers.  Sent an email with my address of record and the bank’s name and address.  Get an email back asking me to ask the Finnish bank how to fill out the form. Any I Love Lucy fans reading this?
As we were going to Pori anyhow I took my info into the bank there. The teller was very nice and very puzzled. “I know how to fill out my paperwork, they should know how to do there own.”  Can’t argue with that logic.

Now for the realtor.  The smaller transfers are showing arrival at the bank on Saturday.  Got it in my head to call the realtor and let her know that this all might work out by next week.  She’s figuring if the money comes we can close on Tuesday. Sounds good. BUT, always a but, sometimes with a head attached, we need permission from the Minister of Defense if we are not Finnish citizens.  First she says it takes 3 months, as I am quietly shitting my pants and trying to keep my face “still” to avoid Larry having a heart attack, she says but you can apply after the sale. Could we have led with that?!

While we wait to see if the bank allows the transfers our hope is that our things take just a little longer than estimated to arrive so’s they have a place to arrive.

Enjoy the pictures.


  1. The stress involved in negotiating business overseas can be significant. Stay cool. It'll happen.


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