Monday in Pori

This morning we woke up and headed for the tax office in Pori. Ya see we have to get some sort of tax number to complete the registration of our purchase of the house. Not a clue what all this is about, just doing what the realtor says to do.  GPS screws up a bit and sends us two blocks away but some very nice women point us in the right direction.

Once in the office we look around and find no chairs, a few folks standing and not a smile in the place.  Get my number and settle in to wait. We are number 319.  Looking up I see that there is 276 and 608 on the board.  Either way 319 doesn’t bode well for a walk in the park. An hour later, after having watch things progress slowly and not very surely we left. Figured a sunny day in the park was worth more than a sunny day at the tax office. We will return, we have a plan.

Sophie absolutely loves this place and her new longer than snot lead lets her run ahead and then stay and sniff while we walk on, then run to catch up again.

Next lunch and a bit of shopping, weeellll  more than a bit seeing as we bought a TV, freezer, washer/dry (all one machine) and vacuum cleaner to be delivered next week.  Credit card hurts.

Tomorrow we figure out cell service and other stuff!


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