Just some thoughts

Here you see a man unwrapping a metal barrel that was packed full of tools.  Why wrap a barrel in paper? Nobody knows.  Then take a gander at how some of our furniture arrived. Obvious water damage to this china cabinet and a sideboard. Was the barrel deemed more fragile than the furniture? Perhaps the insurance adjuster will have the answer.

Fragile, there’s a word.  Watching the US struggle to deal with the corona virus I feel compelled to compare health care and working conditions.
US worker gets sick, limited number of “sick days” so goes to work.
Finnish worker gets sick, stays home.  If home for a certain amount of days will need a doctor’s note, no penalty for being sick.

US kid gets sick (this is where it gets good)
1. Let the 6 year old stay home alone and go to jail for neglect.
2. Let the kid go to school and hope they don’t get sent home right away so you can work part of a day.
3. Keep the kid home, stay home with them using either a personal or sick day or don’t get paid.
4. Take them to the doctor to get an excused absence note and spread the joy to everyone there.

US kid gets sick and parents are poor with no insurance. Put the kid on the bus, nurse sends them home, excused for a couple of days, repeat as needed. Solves the doctor bill.

Finnish kid gets sick, parent stays home with child, child goes back to school when no longer ill. Parent’s employer is kept informed by parent. Child sees a doctor if parents deem it necessary (assumes that parents have a brain).


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