
This morning we hit the road at 8am headed for the big city of Tampere.  Sun was coming up, folks were going to work and we were moaning about having to drive there again, it’s about a 1.5 hour drive. Why again?  I goofed or they did but most likely me.

Ya see, I made the appointment and picked what I thought was a family appointment.  Turned out it was just for me, would have had to scheduled two back to back if it were for both of us.  Oh well, at least today the sun was out which makes a body feel much better about life in general.

Got to the office with 15 minutes to spare. They have security. Kinda strange set up.  Door into the room is locked. Fells comes out and asks if you have an appointment and your name.  Then, just almost like the airport you empty your pockets, take off your coat and belt, toss the handbag in the bucket thingy and everything gets scanned. But, by the time they are doing this you’ve already gotten into the waiting room so what’s the purpose?

Outside of the immigration building, no pics inside.

Both appointments went fine, it is essentially a fact finding, paper gathering mission on their part. In six months we might know something but in the meantime the old man and I can stay in the country past the normal 3 months.  The fella we talked to today said that there may be more paperwork required.  Seems the marriage certificate issued in Jamestown may not, probably wii not, be good enough to prove we are married.  Asked him if it might be easier to be married again in Finland, he seemed to think it might, have to see about this.  LOL  The man has a good sense of humor.

On the way home we stopped to let Sophie walk around a bit and she saw a squirrel!


  1. Sounds like it went well and that there might be an exciting event coming up!?!


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