Bureaucracy Adventures

Started Wednesday off with a visit to the tax office.  We’d been there on Monday but gave up waiting for our number to be called when it looked as if we’d be there for over two hours.  This morning we set out early, got there 1/2 hour before the doors opened.  Sitting on the steps inside waiting for the door to open talking to the woman who’d gotten there 10 minutes before us, nice woman, easy wait. We were number two and got right in.

Our reason for the visit was to get some mysterious numbers that are needed to pay a tax which would then allow us to somehow finalize the purchase of the house we bought.  This sound confusing to you?  Me too!  Turns out the tax office is responsible for issuing what we in the States call Social Security numbers. One must have this number in order to pay the tax.  I have a number from when I lived here before, Larry does not. Turns out I can pay the tax but only half as he must pay his half. Fair is fair! My guess, and that of the woman helping us, is that Larry’s number will come fast as the tax collector wants our money!

The tax office suggested we head to another office to register ourselves as living in our new home. Off we went but, once again, Larry No Number was out of luck. I’m now officially on the books in Kokemäki.

Then it was time for the island of Kirjurinlouto and a walk in the sun.

And a picture by the river near us, the house a lottery win might have gotten us!


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