Paperwork seems to be never ending in this process.  Who was I to think one could simply load a lifetime of crap up, contact a mover and whoosh we’re gone. Wrong.
Contact mover in Finland, needs copy of:
Packing list
Car Title
Car Registration
Car Insurance
Took pictures with my phone and email, she’s happy.

Next contact from the fella in the USA, perhaps located in California as his first emails arrive around 10 or 11am eastern.
He needs all of the above, emailed the same email but also needs bill of sale on the cars.

No news for several days. Stupid me figures everyone is happy.

California needs more. Photos aren’t good enough. Need to be scanned and emailed. Trip to Staples where a young man thinks I need to learn how to use the machine but a wonderful woman does it all for me.

Now, everyone is happy and we get pickup dates for everything.


Get on line to order tickets.  American Airlines, oh you have a service dog.  You’ll need to order tickets through Finnair.  Call Finnair, order on line and you’ll need to fill out a form to request bulk head seating as you have the dog. And here we sit, 8 days later with no confirmation about seating. Will the dog be strapped to the wing of the plane?

Dog health papers are an issue, even today, Friday, with take off on Monday.  Vet says come in Monday, we send them and they are back Tuesday. Went in Monday, they sent them Tuesday and today, Friday morning, we know nothing.  Can’t get Sophie into Finland without those health papers and the papers are only good for 10 days after the vet saw her.

So, what I’d like is to go to bed tonight in Rugby and wake up in the morning already at the bed and breakfast in Nakkila Finland.


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