Just keep laughing

When moving to another country ya hafta keep in mind that foreign is a real word.

The local bank has now decided that I can get a debit card but not a credit card. For them to trust me with a credit card I would need an ID card which one gets from the police station. So, off to see the cops.  First attempt failed as the police are not open on Thursday, just Tuesday and Friday. So criminals know when to work!

Friday we head to the police station and take woman completely by surprise.  You don’t have an appointment?  Yah, no...we didn’t know.  Well what do you want?  Splained it all to her, she takes my driver’s license and looks me up in her computer.  Not a Finnish citizen? No.  Permanent resident status?  Had it, don’t know if I lost it when I moved back to the States.  In the end it was decided that we need to:
Go to immigration
Get permanent status
Get an permanent address
Go to some office and get recorded at that address
Come back and try again.

So who really needs a credit card from a Finnish bank anyhow?


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