
Firewood arrived

Firewood has arrived, 10m3.  We'll be carrying this into the woodshed throughout the summer, no need for a gym membership here! Watching what’s going on in the USA makes me sad for the folks in confinement.  Stories about having to have papers to show you’re allowed to be out and about sounds kinda crazy. Larry and I are doing pretty much what we’d be doing even without the virus. We’re shopping for groceries, hitting the hardware store for supplies, checking out the numerous parks and doggy friendly areas. About the only thing that is different is our staying away from the kids when they have a runny nose. Once the weather warms up we are planning on some sort of something for friends and family.  For you farmers out there this is how seed comes in Finland.  We were at the hardware/agriculture store and saw these big bags of barley seed.  Bigger than the ones we saw at the feed store in Crossville, TN!  The tractors that drive by our house are going the speed

Doggy time at the park

Here she is, pointing the way to the tree rats! Thinking all the while, if I could climb that tree... Today we ran into, or ran off a pheasant, a pair of hedgehogs and two squirrels.  Very exciting day for Sophie.  Spring has sprung in Finland! With a little help from Lilla Rose products you can make your own mask.

Sun’s out!

Today we celebrated Larry’s birthday by going out to the park and indulging in some sausage with our friend, Ute. After all the rain, snow and slush it’s time to play outside.  Yesterday it was back to painting pickets and, naturally a walk at the park.  Sophie saw a squirrel and nearly pulled Larry off his feet. Saturday’s trip to the store we found this. My first thought was cat food. What do you think? At the local nursery they sell more than just plants.  Man’s dreaming if he thinks he’s getting one of these! Driving the backroads home had to take a picture of this huge pile of logs.  Piles are everywhere but this was soooo tall.  Called green gold. Just something to make my US friends jealous.  Haven’t noticed a shortage yet. Saturday was a sunny day and we managed to plant about 160 spruce trees.  Thought is that they will grow to be a nice hedge in the back much like what we have on two sides already.

Easier? Not a chance!

The limited banking hours had me looking for a more simple way to pay bills. Going into the bank was getting a bit old.  So I called and got these sent to me as well as prepaid envelopes. Here’s a video to explain how NOT simple this is. Will try the video again later.  😡 Hope you are all well. Cold, snow and rain slowed down our painting operations but tomorrow looks good and we’ll be back at it again!

It’s a dog’s life

It’s come to this. Me, never let the dogs on the furniture. Oh well, there’s no dog door here and no cow pies either, guess we’re OK so long as she has a pillow. And here we are guarding the perimeter.  Keeping those pesky squirrels on the other side of the fence.  If only Daddy would quit putting out peanuts for them, they’d go another yard for a buffet. Pitkäjärvi is our favorite place and with all this painting of fence going on we hadn’t been in a few days. Today was a bit windy but the sun was warming things up nicely. Last, a baby picture. Taken on the way home for the first time.

Two old farts keeping out of trouble

First step in building a picket fence is painting the pickets.  Larry’s allowed to use sharp power tools so the pile of pickets are his doing. Then, before I can start painting we check the weather, zero chance of rain.  Paint, roller, brush and TUNES!  There’s no work without the wiggle music.  How many pickets can we distribute around this place?  Well if you use a windowsill and a wall? Lots! And the two horses we bought.  Total painted on one side, 62.  This isn’t happening overnight.  LOL Just a picture of two flies together forever. 

Sunny days

First, can you believe how much hair I had back then?  You young folks best enjoy that hair while you’ve still got it! I mean really, that mop!  The Lilla Rose clips range in size from XX small to Mega, I’d probably have used a large or xlarge.  Now I’m a xsmall for a ponytail...enough of that. We continue to go to a nearby recreation area almost daily.  Thought I’d just post some pictures. A little snow here and there where the sun hasn’t hit. Where is Sophie leading us today? Waking and ski trails go every which way.  Area is large enough for us to be able to avoid people and Finns aren’t all that interested in making contact. Trip home started to get snowy but a mile down the road and the sun was back! And now for a brief infomercial about a Lilla Rose product that could help anyone having to wear a mask.  One of our stylists is a nurse and she came up with this idea.  The elastics are adjustable and washable   https://shops.lillarose.